Monday, May 18, 2009

Team Lorenz Client Party

Every year Team Lorenz holds a client appreciation party and food drive for the local Durango Food Bank. We take over the movie theater on a Saturday morning and we invite past clients and their friends to come on in for a private showing of a recently released movie. This year we selected Star Trek as our movie. The cost of the movie and the concession stand snacks are covered by The Team. We ask that our clients bring in cans of food and for each can of food they get one coupon. Each coupon is then used to guess the number of nails and nuts and bolts in a huge jar that we set up in the lobby of the theater. Our prizes this year were as follows: 1st place was a $100 gift certificate to Seasons Grill; 2nd place was a $75 gift certificate from Sunnyside Farms Market here in Durango; and 3rd prize was a $50 gift basket from Dietz Market filled with all locally made food products.

We have been holding this function for six years and everyone gets really excited about trying to help the Food Bank. I just heard back from the Food Bank today and we collected 1,638 pounds of food which was the largest single day donation we have made in the last six years. We had two individuals that brought more than 150 cans of food each! One local family actually drove back from Denver where they were visiting to bring food and attend our party and then turned right around and went back up to Denver. Thank you so much for people with hearts like that. Many people even brought cash donations. Our 2nd place winner actually donated his prize back to the Food Bank. Team Lorenz feel strongly that we need to be a contributor to the community … it isn't just about real estate sales …and this is one of the ways that we help by organizing this very successful food drive every year.

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