Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Buyer Agency... Having Someone Represent You.

Navigating your way through Durango real estate can certainly be a daunting task. If you are a prospective buyer from out of the area, it's hard for you to know the benefits of the various subdivisions and building projects that we have around the County. Nearly all subdivisions will have rules and regulations, called CC&R's, that define what you may or may not be able to do in that development. Let's say that you wanted to have horses and you are told that horses are allowed in a particular subdivision. It would not be unusual to see that there might be a limit as to the number of horses that you could have. In the Shenandoah subdivision, for instance, you have to have 5 acres in order to be allowed 2 horses. No horses are allowed if you have less than 5 acres. A Buyer Specialist will be able to find out this information for you.

Many buyers have campers, motor homes or RVs that they would like to park on their property. That is the type of thing that could easily be covered in the CC&R’s. You need to be certain that you get all of those rules and regulations ahead of time. An experienced real estate broker is very vital in helping you work your way through those sorts of issues when buying Durango real estate. Our Team is set up quite a bit differently than anybody else here in town. Lisa and Nicole are Buyer Specialists whose only job is to work with buyers. They may each see 100 properties or more a month so they truly know the market extremely well. I often kid them and say: “I have a buyer who wants pink carpet in the hallway...” and I'll get a response that says they know three homes just like that. Knowing the product that is available and then matching it to your specific needs is very important.

Another important advantage of having a Buyer Specialist work for you is that you can have an advocate on your side. A Buyer Specialist does not represent the seller; they represent you, the buyer.

Having a Buyer Specialist on your side is definitely to your advantage. ”Does it cost me anything to have a Buyer Specialist on my side?” is a question I often hear. In Colorado, the seller is allowed to pay the buyer brokerage commission and in probably 99% of the transactions that is exactly what happens.

If you're at that spot where you're ready to look for real estate in the Durango area please give us a call and we will have one of our Buyer Specialists take care of you. Please Click Here to learn a little bit more about our team.

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