Tuesday, May 27, 2008


As I sit here in my study on Memorial Day 2008, I'm reminded of the many times my mom and dad would take me to the cemetery to plant flowers on the graves of her ancestors who fought in this country's wars dating all the way back to the War of 1812. I am so very thankful that my ancestors were willing to offer themselves as a sacrifice to this country to help found it…and maintain it… and keep it from becoming two countries during the Civil War. My oldest son served in the Navy during the first Iraq War. My oldest brother served in the Army in the 1960’s. My dad was a lieutenant commander in World War II on the Japanese front. My dad came to this country during the first world war while bombs were exploding in his hometown in Austria-Hungary. Many times I think we take for granted our freedoms that we have in the United States of America. My father was always quick to remind me that there are powerful tyrants around the world who would love to have you submit to them. It is time to stand up and say Thank You for those that have paid the price to make our country free. Memorial Day is that special day in which we are to remember all of those who went before us.

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